[NACR-792] Nurses With Big Asses Unconsciously Seduce Their Patients - Ayumi Nakagawa

デカ尻で無意識に誘惑してしまう訪問看護師 夏川あゆみ


Released date:2024-04-20 ID:h_237nacr00792 ID(DVD):NACR-792
Actress(es): 夏川あゆみ
Studio: Planet Plus Label: 七狗留 Director: レコバ
When feeling under the weather, I decided to hire a visiting nurse service to take care of me. The lovely Ayumi-san showed up with her beautiful smile; not only did she help with my nursing needs but also took care of things around the house. However, unbeknownst to me, her large ass was so captivating that I completely forgot about being sick! *Note: Content may vary depending on the recording method used.*
体調が悪く看病してもらう為に訪問看護サービスを頼んだ。来てくれた看護師は笑顔が素敵なあゆみさん。看病だけでなく、身の回りの世話もしてくれるのだが、無意識に主張してくる大きなお尻に病気も忘れて大興奮!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『プラネットプラス』はこちら!