[MKON-101] Before She Gets Dumped by Her Boyfriend, Rin Himeno Decides to Sleep With Him

娘に彼氏ができたので、キズモノにされる前に抱くことにしました 姫野らん


Released date:2024-04-20 ID:mkon00101 ID(DVD):MKON-101
Actress(es): 姫野らん
Rantarou is his wife's stepson. He has always treated her like his own child, but today she finally brought her boyfriend home. So, she's already that age? It's a little bittersweet, but if she's happy, then he'll support her. As a father, he won't get in the way of their relationship... or so he thinks. But when he hands her a bath towel in the bathroom, a dark feeling wells up inside him. He can't help but wonder why some random guy gets to take away his innocent stepdaughter's virginity before he does! Keep in mind that recording contents may vary depending on distribution methods.
らんは妻の連れ子だ。今まで我が子同然に大切に育ててきたが、今日ついに彼氏を家に連れてきた。そうか、もうそんな年齢になったのか。少し寂しいがらんが幸せなら私はそれでいい。父として二人の恋路を邪魔するような真似はするものか。…そう思っていたが、風呂場のらんにバスタオルを渡す時に、ふと黒い感情が芽生えてくる。どこの馬の骨だかもわからぬ若造にらんの処女が奪われる前に、私がらんを守らなくては…!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『AV総合グループ【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!