[APNS-339] Indecent Training: 30 Days of Hell Until Pregnant - Aoi Mirei

令嬢調教 懐妊までの地獄の30日間 葵みれい


Released date:2024-04-20 ID:apns00339 ID(DVD):APNS-339
Actress(es): 葵みれい
Series: 令嬢調教
In the luxurious mansion where heiress Mirei resides, she attends an elite all-girls school as the daughter of a wealthy family. Living a life of privilege without knowing hardship or dirt, her days are filled with comfort and ease. One day, while at home, Mirei is attacked by two men - the janitor Leftji and Gido, who have held onto grudges against her for some time. They kidnap her and subject her to their twisted desires, fueled by jealousy and hatred. To satisfy their lustful fantasies, they even resort to offering Mirei up to the yakuza they owe money to...
某県の財閥令嬢であるみれいは、お嬢様学校に通う女子学生。私生活も裕福極まりない暮らしで、穢れも苦労も知らずに育ってきた。そんなある日、住んでいる高級マンションの掃除夫・左慈と火登がみれいを襲い、拉致してしまう。常日頃からみれいに逆恨みの感情を抱いていた二人は、その恨みを晴らそうとみれいを毒牙にかけたのだ。二人は借金をしているヤクザ達にもみれいを差し出して……。 【※画像・音声に乱れがある場合がございますが、商品自体の不良ではございませんので、ご了承ください】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。