[BKYNB-053] Visiting Personal Trainer Hunted by Sperm Brain in Dirty Room - Rui Tsuki

汚部屋に住む精子脳に狙われた訪問パーソナルトレーナー 都月るいさ


Released date:2024-05-03 ID:1bkynb00053 ID(DVD):BKYNB-053
Actress(es): 都月るいさ
Studio: Bon Kyun Bon Label: BonキュンBon
A personal trainer named Tokitsuki, known for her work with celebrities, visits clients' homes to offer one-on-one training sessions. She arrives at a new client's house and finds herself in an unfamiliar dirty room. Despite being paid handsomely, she feels uncertain about whether she can collect such high fees due to the shabby surroundings. As she begins instructing a chubby man lying on a stained futon, she becomes aroused by his proximity to her beautiful body. Note that the recorded content may vary depending on the distribution method used.
セレブ御用達の訪問パーソナルトレーニングのトレーナー都月、彼女のレッスンを受けると数週間でアスリート並みの体幹になるという。ある日新規客の家に訪問すると経験したことのない汚部屋、高額な指導料を回収できるか不安のある中、小汚い太った客に万年床のせんべえ布団の上で指導していると至近距離の美しい身体に興奮した男に…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。