[SVSHA-019] Shame! Voltage 85x! Merciless Vibration Turns Beautiful Girl Into Complete Whore ♂ Female Orgasm Outdoor Public Humiliation Date



Released date:2024-04-25 ID:1svsha00019 ID(DVD):SVSHA-019
Studio: Sadistic Village Label: 羞恥娘 Director: ジャケン小玉
In this video, there was a customer who seemed to be doing something naughty before. You could hear vibrations and think they were using some kind of rotating device like a rabbit vibe. They asked the staff to move them to a private room because they got too wet and made a mess. It was clear that they were masturbating inside. That girl is so hot! Yesterday, I saw a girl at a family restaurant who looked really drunk and her drink spilled when she felt the vibration. There was a liquid-like substance dripping out of her crotch area. She went to the bathroom and you could hear her moaning... I wish I had a girlfriend like that.
「この前居●屋行ったらなんかコソコソやってる客がいてさ。なんか近くから振動音聞こえてきて。あれ絶対ローターかなんか入れてたっしょwよくやるわー、めっちゃ水こぼしたとかで店員呼ぶし途中でいなくなったと思ったら戻ってきて個室にしてくれとか言って、中で絶対ヤってたよ。エロい彼女いて羨ましいわー。」「俺も昨日ファミレス行ったらめっちゃフラフラしてる女の子いて、振動音した瞬間ドリンクバーこぼすわ股の間から液体っぽいの垂れてるわ、ファミレスでイくとかどんだけ変態だよwしまいにゃトイレからあんあん声漏れてるし…俺もあんな彼女欲しかったなぁ。」※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『SOD GROUPストア』はこちら!