[HODV-21862] Intimate Whispers Leading to Creampie Virginity Loss - Rina Shinohara

僕だけにしか聞こえないささやき声で密着誘惑されて中出し童貞卒業 新井リマ


Released date:2024-04-26 ID:5642hodv21862 ID(DVD):HODV-21862
Studio: h.m.p Label: h.m.p Director: K.C.武田
In this special release, we dive deep into the fantasies of losing one's virginity through various experiences shared by different girls. Each story showcases their unique perspectives and desires, making it an unforgettable journey for any listener. Recorded using binaural technology, you can immerse yourself in these intimate encounters like never before! From stealing a tutor's innocence to being ambushed at a party by a friend's girlfriend, every scene promises intense pleasure. And let's not forget about the seductive neighbor's daughter or the young cousin eager to help her older brother cross that threshold. This audio experience is sure to leave you breathless and wanting more. So grab your headphones and get ready for an erotic adventure unlike any other!
『ヘッドフォン・イヤホン推奨』童貞を喪失した想い出、それぞれ色んな筆下ろしの経験がある事でしょう…その童貞喪失を理想化しました!全編主観で語りかけながら喘ぎ攻めでイク。最新バイノーラル録音なのでヘッドフォンで聞くと臨場感がハンパない!家庭教師の童貞を奪っちゃう筆おろしエッチ!飲み会で親友の彼女に襲われて脱童貞エッチ!隣人の幼馴染に襲われてフェライキ!だいぶ年下の姪っ子から誘惑されて童貞喪失エッチ!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。