[REBD-836] Hibiki's Dreamy State

Hibiki8 Dreamy state of mind・大槻ひびき


Released date:2024-05-02 ID:h_346rebd00836 ID(DVD):REBD-836
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: GW小松
In this feature film, Hibiki Otsuki takes center stage! Known affectionately as 'Hibiyan', she's not only stunningly beautiful but also possesses an endearing personality that has won her countless fans both male and female alike. Her popularity knows no bounds, as evidenced by the numerous references to her as 'Hibiyan Girl'. The tropical location shoot was blessed with perfect weather, resulting in breathtaking visuals that showcase her playful innocence and irresistible charm. From ringing church bells to frolicking in the pool, every moment captures her alluring essence. As dusk falls upon the beach, the mesmerizing beauty of waves dancing around her creates an unforgettable scene unlike any seen before. Prepare to be swept away by Hibiyan's warm smile, guiding you towards dreamy states of mind at this idyllic resort getaway!
本作の主演はひびやんこと大槻ひびきちゃん!!美意識を高く保ち磨き抜かれた美しきルックスに加え、愛される人柄も魅力的な美女だ!!「ひびやん女子」と呼ばれる女性ファンも多く、誰でも分け隔てなく平等に等身大で接する事から男女問わず幅広く支持を得ている。もはや恒例となった南国ロケは天候にも恵まれて絶好の撮影日和が続き、撮れ高もばっちりである。チャペルの鐘を鳴らしたり、プールで泳いだりとイメージでしか見られない無邪気な可愛らしい姿はファン必見。黄昏時の砂浜で潮風に吹かれながら白波と戯れる幻想的な美しさは過去作には無かった最高の映像だ。爽やかな南国のリゾートで穏やかに微笑むひびやんが貴方を夢見心地へといざなう!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。