[JUQ-684] Intimate Sex - A Drunken Affair With My Husband's Boss During His Absence at a Hot Spring Trip; Starring Uehara Ayano

密着セックス ~夫の上司と夫の居ない温泉旅行で酒と不貞に溺れた私~ 上羽絢


Released date:2024-05-10 ID:juq00684 ID(DVD):JUQ-684
Actress(es): 上羽絢
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: 三島六三郎
A married woman named Ai struggles with her husband's dedication to work instead of their family life after two years of marriage. Her husband's boss, Koji, notices their situation and suggests a couples trip to a hot spring resort. However, on the day of the trip, Ai's husband declines due to work obligations, leaving just Ai and Koji to embark on the journey together. Feeling lonely at the inn, Ai turns to alcohol at the attached bar where she meets Koji again. Overcome by emotion and loneliness, she clings onto him and asks for physical comfort. Although surprised, Koji accepts her advances and they indulge in passionate, intimate intercourse despite being married to other people...
結婚して2年、家庭を顧みず仕事に没頭する夫に悩む妻・絢。家族ぐるみで親しい夫の上司・小沢は絢たち夫婦の状況を見兼ねて温泉旅行を提案する。しかし、旅行当日も絢の夫は仕事を理由に不参加…絢と小沢夫妻の3人で旅先へ向かう事になる。悲しみに暮れる絢は旅館に併設されたバーで酒に溺れてしまう。そして介抱してくれた小沢に抱きつき、酔いと寂しさから肉体を求める絢。戸惑いつつも小沢も絢を受け入れ、濃厚な密着不貞交尾に溺れていき…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!