[JUQ-685] A Night of Passionate Seduction - Yuna Shina's Intimate Tongue Kissing Soapland Adventure

身も心も蕩かすひと時―。淫語&ローションに塗れる濃密‘囁き’接吻ソープ 椎名ゆな


Released date:2024-05-10 ID:juq00685 ID(DVD):JUQ-685
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: 木村浩之
A woman named Yuna, who had been living apart from her husband, found herself working at a soapland brothel due to certain circumstances. At first, she was confused about this new job, but eventually grew accustomed to it and even found solace in the intimate act of connecting with clients. One day, a young man named Saizi visited her. Despite his awkwardness, he treated her not just as a sex worker but as a woman, which made her feel more comfortable. As they shared passionate kisses and exchanged saliva, their relationship deepened... However, please note that the recorded contents may vary depending on the distribution method used.
夫とすれ違いの生活が続き、とあるきっかけからソープ店で働くことになったゆな…。最初は戸惑うことばかりだったが、いつしか肌を重ね合うこの仕事にやすらぎの様なものを見出して…。そんなある日、ゆなのもとに青年・左慈がやって来た。不器用ながらもやさしい彼の性格にソープ嬢としてではなく一人の女として接するようになっていった。熱い唾液と舌を絡め、想いを込めた唇を重ねるうちに二人の関係は縮まってゆき…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!