[JUQ-698] My Boss's Secret - Pregnant by Her Superior

僕だけが知っている…高嶺の花の女上司を孕ませ中出し教育 吉澤友貴


Released date:2024-05-10 ID:juq00698 ID(DVD):JUQ-698
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: なぎら健造
A hardworking manager named Yuki Yoshizawa (played by Yamazaki Yuuki) faces constant stress from her high-pressure job and the lack of intimacy with her husband. One day, her longtime admirer and subordinate, Isao Nakajima (portrayed by Nakajima Isao), makes a move on her during working hours. Despite her initial resistance, she can't help but succumb to his advances as he takes control both physically and emotionally. It's an unconventional encounter filled with confusion yet intense pleasure for both parties involved. Keep in mind that the recorded content might differ based on the distribution method used.
管理職として抜群の成績を誇り、社内でも人気を誇る望美(吉澤友貴)。だが夫とは仕事ですれ違いが続き、さらには日々の仕事に追われ、ストレスを密かに溜め込んでおり、そのはけ口に悩んでいた。そんな時、入社時から彼女に憧れていた部下の井上に迫られて…。 職場で部下に犯●れる非日常に、戸惑いを感じながらも激しく悶える望美。言葉では拒みながらも、普段は命じる立場の自分が命じられ、弄ばれる痴態に酔いしれて…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!