[SONE-190] Sexual Harassment by Sponsor Leads to Unstoppable Copulation with Race Queen Sayaka Shinoda

軽蔑しているスポンサーのセクハラおやじとまさかの相部屋に… 断れない絶倫性交に不覚にもイキまくったレースクイーン 仁藤さや香


Released date:2024-05-10 ID:sone00190 ID(DVD):SONE-190
Actress(es): 仁藤さや香
Studio: S1 No.1 Sytle Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE Director: 嵐山みちる
A beautiful RQ named 'Nitou' finds herself stuck in a compromising situation with her lecherous sponsor 'Miura'. They are forced to share a room at a hotel during their trip to Osaka for an event, leading to unwanted intimacy. Despite her initial resistance, Nitou succumbs to Miura's advances as he takes advantage of her slender body and inexperience. As she cries out for him to stop, she can't help but enjoy the pleasure he brings her, eventually becoming his willing partner in this sordid affair. Note that the contents may vary depending on the distribution method.
【美人RQがキモおじチ●ポ堕ち…】イベントコンパニオン(レースクイーン)の‘仁藤’。セクハラが酷くて苦手なスポンサーの‘三浦’と2人きりの大阪イベントへ行くことになるが、宿泊先のホテルがまさかの相部屋で、嫌がる彼女を余所に非道なレ●プが始まる…。「やめてくださいっ!」最初は抵抗していた仁藤だったが、キレキレのスリムボインBODYは何度もエビ反り絶頂を繰り返し、中年性豪チ●ポの快楽沼へ徐々に堕ちていく…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『エスワン ナンバーワンスタイル』はこちら!