[ALDN-310] Old Man Lucky Hazuki Wakamiya

おっさんラッキー 若宮はずき


Released date:2024-05-11 ID:aldn00310 ID(DVD):ALDN-310
Studio: Takara Eizou Label: ALEDDIN Director: 宝浩史
As an older man without much luck, I've always been envious of my wife's beauty... She takes care of everything around the house while also taking away my allowance. Despite this, somehow I managed to become the town association chairman by playing along with everyone else's expectations. Today, however, things have taken an unexpected turn! Our beautiful neighborhood housewife has invited me to join her on a rejuvenation trip - but there's more than meets the eye here... Keep in mind that recording contents may vary depending on distribution method.
私はウダツの上がらないおっさんです…女房にも頭が上がらず小遣いも減らされました…何とかノリだけで町内会長になれました…皆の前ではナントカ出来る会長を演じて来ました…それが今日!なんと!我が町一番の綺麗な奥様と慰安旅行の視察に来たんですけど…?※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!