[ALDN-313] Wife's Friend Gets Nailed Hard

妻友 いきなりナマがいい 田所百合


Released date:2024-05-11 ID:aldn00313 ID(DVD):ALDN-313
Series: 妻友
Studio: Takara Eizou Label: ALEDDIN Director: 九十九究太
A married woman named Yuri has secret desires for raw sex. One day, she agrees to have dinner with her husband's close friend at their request. As they become tipsy, they discover their mutual longings for unprotected intercourse. Although Yuri loves her husband, she struggles with these feelings. Suddenly, Yuri blurts out that she wants him inside her right away without foreplay. Surprised but aroused by this boldness, he obliges. The intense pleasure of bareback penetration overwhelms her senses along with guilt about cheating on her spouse. Her lover's attractive genitals also play a role in her conflicted emotions. As they continue, Yuri experiences multiple orgasms before finally reaching a climax through creampie. Throughout this passionate encounter, various emotions entwine - lust, guilt about infidelity, love for her husband, and admiration for her partner's alluring body. This erotic tale showcases the depth of female desire and its complexities when faced with societal expectations and personal relationships.
「女性だって…ナマでしたい」そんな想いを密かに抱きながら結婚生活を送っていた百合。 そんなある日、夫からの頼みで、家族ぐるみで仲の良いご近所さんの旦那さんと二人きりで飲むことに。 お互いほろ酔いになり「ナマでしたい…」共通点を知ってしまう百合。 夫の事は愛している…でも「ナマでしたい」葛藤する百合。 「ねぇ…いきなりナマで入れてほしいの…。ダメ?」 気が付くと、前戯もナシに、いきなりナマ挿入を求める百合。 ナマチンポの快感…。浮気の罪悪感…。夫への愛情。浮気相手の魅力的な性器…。 色々な感情が綯い交ぜになり…やがて…「中出しイキ」に目覚める百合。 女の欲深さは果てしない…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!