[JUQ-738] Son's Milk Still Flows After 20 Years... With Shion Masumoto

息子に乳離れさせないまま、20年間経ちました…。 松本翔子


Released date:2024-05-24 ID:juq00738 ID(DVD):JUQ-738
Actress(es): 松本翔子
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: ひむろっく
After her husband passed away in an accident 20 years ago, thanks to his life insurance, she has been able to live comfortably without any hardships while raising their son, Daisuke. However, there was one concern that weighed heavily on her mind - she couldn't seem to wean him off breastfeeding. Young Daisuke must have gone through immense stress after losing his father at such a young age, as he constantly sought comfort in her breasts... And considering his future, she decided it was time to stop nursing him. To her surprise, he replied, "Just let me do it for another week, then I'll stop..."
夫を事故で亡くしてから20年…、夫の生命保険のお陰で息子の達也に不自由もさせず過ごせています。そんな日々の中での悩み、それは‘息子の乳離れ’ が出来ていないこと。幼かった達也にとって父親の死は大変なストレスだったようで、何かしらのたびに私のおっぱいを求めるものでした…。そして息子の将来も思って、私はそろそろ‘乳離れ’をしようと告げると、達也は「あと一週間だけ、そうしたらやめるよ…。」と答えて…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!