[SONE-204] Serious Ano Girl Turns Into A Kiss Maniac After Drinking!? Raunchy, Lewd & Endless Begging Sex All Night Long - Mirei Ueno

アルバイト先の真面目なアノ娘は酔うとキス魔に豹変!?下品でエロくて朝までずっとおねだりSEX無双 宇野みれい


Released date:2024-05-24 ID:sone00204 ID(DVD):SONE-204
Actress(es): 宇野みれい
My favorite girl works at my part-time job. She's not like other girls; she has this innocent charm that makes her stand out. One day during break time, we were all chatting when someone mentioned how cute it was that our serious boss had turned into a kissing maniac at their last drinking party! It turns out they went together... What?! That can't be true! But then again, maybe there's more to her than meets the eye... Ever since hearing about her wild side, I couldn't help but fantasize about being with her myself. So much so that I kept inviting her out for drinks, hoping something would happen between us. Unfortunately, every attempt ended in failure - apparently, she doesn't touch alcohol anymore. Just when I thought all hope was lost, she caught up to me from behind one day while I was walking home. "I know you always say no," she said apologetically. "But today actually worked out for me! Do you want to go grab some food?" Of course, I jumped at the chance! Over dinner, she surprised me by saying, "Since we're here anyway, let's have a drink too." Little did I know what awaited me next... As we clinked glasses and took a sip of sake, things started heating up between us. Before I knew it, she leaned in close and whispered seductively in my ear... *Content may vary depending on distribution method.*
僕には好きな人がいる。 アルバイト先の宇野センパイだ。 仕事中は真面目なんだけど、 ちょっぴり抜けているところがあったり、 休憩中にたまに話しかけてくれる優しさに惚れてしまった。 ある日の休憩時間、 みんなで話していた時のことだ。 聞き捨てならない会話が耳に入ってきた。 「この前の飲み会、楽しかったね。 みれいちゃんがまさかキス魔になるなんてビックリ! あの後、ちゃんと帰れたの?」 えぇっ!?真面目な宇野さんがキス魔になるなんて想像つかない。 男女構わず誰にでもベタベタくっついちゃうのかよ… いや、待てよ、ってことは俺も一緒に飲みに行ったら…そういうこと!? その話を聞いてからずっと宇野さんのことが気になって気になって 何度も飲みに誘ってみたのだけど全敗…俺は脈なしってことか。 もう諦めよう…とぼどぼ歩いていたら後ろから宇野さんが追いかけてきた。 「いつも断ってごめんね。今日だったら予定空いてるよ! でも最近はお酒控えてて…ご飯だけだったら…どう?」 デートできるだでも嬉しい!やったー! 浮かれて食事に行ったら 「せっかくだし、乾杯したいよね。1杯くらい付き合おっかな」 この後は… 噂に聞いていたキス魔の宇野さんが…※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『エスワン ナンバーワンスタイル』はこちら!